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Working together to improve health and wellbeing in Abingdon

Healthy Abingdon logo (cropped)

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Healthy Abingdon brings groups together in the town to improve people's health and wellbeing.  In particular, it helps community groups and individuals to work more closely with each other, with the NHS and social care services.

Cartoon of someone being helped at a computer

How to use this site

  • If you want to find help, Go to the Services page

  • If you are a community group interested in being a Healthy Abingdon Associate, Go to the Associates page - 
    Latest Associate -
    Community Catalysts

Image of part of map.

Community centres and church halls in Abingdon

Check out this map which shows where. to find these centres which host clubs and societies, and hold events

People jumping for joy

Abingdon Healthfest 2023, Saturday 2 September, 10am to 2pm, Abingdon Market Place

This popular event was held on a beautiful Autumn day.  See the news item on the event.  Healthfest 2024 will be on Saturday September 7.

junior parkrun in Southern Town Park

In collaboration with the parkrun organisation, Healthy Abingdon has been working to set up a junior parkrun in South Abingdon and and the first run was on Sunday 7 July.  You can find out more here.

Walking for a healthy mind and body

During the first lockdown, we put together a number of interesting circular walks in various parts of Abingdon. If you are getting lazy again after lockdown, you might like to explore some of these walks.   You can find them here

Abingdon map of deprived areas

Health and wellbeing statistics for Abingdon

Useful reports are from
Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group report on inequalities in Abingdon

Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Abingdon, 2020.


Contact us

For more information, email Dave Butterworth on healthyabingdon@aol.com or telephone him on 01235 525955.  Go to our Contact Us page for more. You can also follow us on Facebook. Let us know if you want us to keep you informed of events and new developments.  

clip art image of meeting

We need more trustees.

As this is a new charity this is an exciting opportunity for someone with ideas and the skills to implement them in collaboration with the other trustees.  Contact Dave if you are interested: tel, 01235 525955; email, healthyabingdon@aol.com .  You can find out more here.

White Horse Community Lottery

Support us on the White Horse Community lottery as well as giving you the chance to win a prize.

Image of piggy bank

Thank you to our various funders.

We are very grateful for the funding we have from Doris Field Charitable Trust, Oxford Health Charity, Christ's Hospital of Abingdon, Cumber Family Charitable Trusts, Penlon Ltd, Pye Charitable Settlement, Abingdon Town Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and Oxfordshire County Cauncil.

The full Healthy Abingdon logo
Charity number 1172245. Email healthyabingdon@aol.com. Tel. 01235 425955.

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About us Services Contact us Events News Associates