Healthy Abingdon
Blue Sky Eco Café

Good for the planet, good for
the community and good for you.
Once a month, the community café is
open for selling lunches made by a small group of volunteers using local,
seasonal and organic products whenever possible. We include healthy
beans and pulses in salads. we do not use single-use plastics, soya or
palm oil. Special-needs volunteers are regularly on hand to help.
When/where do we meet
First Tuesday of the month (but not
August and January), 12 noon to 2 pm (last orders 1:30 pm, at Long
Furlong Community Centre.
We help
Everyone who wants to eat less meat
or wants to to try healthy grains and pulses, whether for environmental or
health reasons. You are also welcome to volunteer with us to help
out by setting up, serving, clearing, washing up, etc. It is all
part of the fun.
Vulnerable adults are supervised
by capable staff and have their own risk assessment.