Healthy Abingdon Associate
Abingdon Liveable Streets

Abingdon Liveable Streets continue
to campaign for a healthy environment by engaging the community at local
events and relevant media. We aim to improve
active travel and reduce carbon emissions by promoting cycling, walking
and wheeling.
Concerned about our expanding town,
we feel the need to react as soon as possible. Our members are Town
Councillors and influencers with experience and drive, but we want to
reach out to youth and use their desire for an improved future.
Abingdon Liveable Streets have been
involved in; publishing of the town Active Travel Map, the LCWIP( local
cycling and walking plan), the arrival of 20MPH and the introduction of
the electric car hire scheme. We aim to continue campaigning for a safer
crossing at the Bridge St/High St junction and cycle parking in the
Marketplace among other things.