Healthy Abingdon
Oxfordshire Play

Our Vision is to 'Improve Lives Through Play'
Our Mission Statement is to 'Champion and to
support the rights of all Children and Young People to have access to high
quality, inclusive, Play opportunities to improve their Physical, Mental
and Spiritual wellbeing'
Our Purpose, Values and Objectives are
- Create Playful communities for Children and
their Families
- Raise awareness amongst parents and carers of
the importance of Play in their Children's lives
- Promote the importance of Play to Statutory,
Corporate and Voluntary organisations
- Increase the number of qualified Playworkers
delivering high quality Play as part of a qualified workforce
- Provide services and support to settings and
partnerships that promote and influence Play and Playwork
We deliver 3 main strands of work;
- Play Projects (Playday, Street Play, Stay
& Play, Saturdads, Play Rangers, Playful Woodlands, Therapeutic
Playwork, Junior Youth Clubs etc)
- Play Training
- Support Services (Advice, Guidance, Outreach,
Partnerships and Networking)
When/where we meet
Various across the County
We help
Children, Young People and their
We have all the necessary
Safeguarding procedures in place as recommended by the OSCB