Event on Thursday 21 Nov. 2019

Working towards a happy and healthy Community

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New development with GP practices: Primary Care Networks

We are lucky in the Abingdon area that we have excellent services from our GPs when compared with neighbouring towns. The range and type of these services is now improving further with the introduction of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) which involves GP practices working closer together and engaging more actively with the community to keep people well in additional to having a wider range of ways to help people recover faster from, or cope better with, any illnesses or injury.  In the first instance this will involve social prescribing.

Healthy Abingdon is holding this meeting so that The Abingdon and District PCN (one of the two PCNs in Abingdon) can tell us what new resources they will have available and discuss with the public and community groups how they might best use them. It is hoped that community groups can play an important role in this so we need to start learning how to work better together.


  1. 5:45 to 6:10. Registration, refreshments and networking.
  2. 6:10 to 6:15. Welcome and introduction from the Chair, Ros Alstead, OBE.
  3. 6:15 to 6:30. Overview of PCN initiative, Fergus Campbell, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
  4. 6:30 to 7:05. Abingdon and District PCN Clinical Director and Social Prescribers will explain the new system and share their ideas and plans.
  5. 7:05 to 7:40. Table discussions about what people want and how the voluntary sector can help. 
  6. 7:40 to 7:55. Plenary discussion. 
  7. 7:55 to 8:00. Conclusions.


Conduit Centre, Trinity Church, Conduit Street, Abingdon OX14 1DB.

The Centre is accessible by wheel chair and there is limited disabled parking.  Parking in the roads nearby is limited so please use the Conservative Club Car Park which is the narrow passage first right as you enter Conduit Road from Ock Street.


Everyone welcome and pre-registration not essential.

However, it will help us to know the numbers and peoples interests.  So if you are coming. please email Dave Butterworth at healthyabingdon@aol.com .  Please let us know if you are coming as a member of the public or representing some group of organisation.

Also, let us know if you wish to discuss a particular matter such as elderly care, helping recovery, exercise, nutrition, mental health, loneliness, etc.


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